The initial inspiration for this project came from the essay I had written during my minor. In this essay I discuss the Dutch historical curriculum that is being taught in primary and secondary education in The Netherlands. In this essay called “How education is used to institute indoctrination” I discuss the dark pages that are not being discussed in the dutch historical curriculum such as the concentration camp Boven-Digoel, where many nationalist and communist groups that were formed against the Dutch Colonists got put (Vijftien Jaar Boven-Digoel, 1980). or not fully being discussed and what I found faulty about the dutch historical curriculum. Because the urgency in these topics I wrote about were very high I decided to make it into a small pocket size book I could share with the people around me. I also showed this to my parents and had them read it. In my enthusiasm I thought they would understand my point of view on these topics and would agree with me. I found out this was not the case. They did not understand the urgency and also did not agree on some of the arguments I make in the essay. I had forgotten about their backgrounds of where they grew up and what they were taught in school and throughout their lives. They did not have the amount of information I now have available. To understand this phenomena of my parents not understanding the urgency in my essay and me not fully understanding why they did not see I had to research into the psychological aspect of what caused this.
After my ludo-didactic and psychological research I decided to use this research that I have gathered on Game-based learning and the Psychological aspects that induce this gamification of education I decided to turn the subject of my essay into the main content of the game. I want to use the "Withheld History of The Netherlands" in this game that I will be making. Because The Correspondent has a massive archive of information on this subject I want to reach out to them and their collaborator on this, The Black Archives. This because most of the inspiration I've found during my research on my essay "The Dutch Historical Curriculum: how education is used to institute indoctrination" I had found through the articles on these subjects written by The Correspondent in collaboration with the Black Archives.

I want to use the game Microscope as a foundation to build this game upon.

"Microscope works differently than some other role-playing games
you might have played, so let’s abandon some preconceptions:

You won’t have your own character.
You won’t play the game in chronological order.

You may know all about the future, but be surprised by the past.
You’ll build the story from the outside in.
You’ll decide the big picture, the grand scheme of history,
and then burrow down and carve out the details.

It’s fractal gaming.

So think big: you have a massive chunk of history to play around in."
(Microscope - Ben Robbins, 2011)